Image policy

Unauthorized use of images from this website is prohibited. For non-commercial use of images, I provide watermarked images; contact me to get access to these. When using these images, the following applies:

  • The images must not be cropped in such a way that it changes the focus or character of the image, nor in such a way that the watermark is no longer visible.
  • The images must not be manipulated in such a way that colors are distorted, e.g. through the use of filters.
  • The images may not be distributed to any third parties.
  • When publishing the images, a byline should be used. Preferably "Photo: Casper Lundberg" or something similar.

  • If these conditions are not met, I reserve the right to demand compensation and that the images are taken down.

    For the use of images for commercial purposes or for other purposes, please
    contact me for more information.

    If you are unsure whether your use violates these terms, I recommend that you ask me what applies in your particular case.